Actor Priyanka Chopra’s brother Siddharth Chopra got engaged to actor Neelam Upadhyaya. The pair got engaged in a quiet roka ceremony. Chopra shared pictures from the ceremony on her Instagram stories.
She was in India with her husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie. She attended the Ambani’s Holi bash, visited Ram Mandir in Ayodhya and attended cousin Mannara’s birthday celebrations. Siddharth Chopra took to Instagram to share pictures from the ceremony.
The couple posted pictures of them and wrote, “sooo we did a thing.” One of the pictures included a tiered cake with pastel frosting, with lettering that read, ‘rokafied.’ Upadhyaya chose to wear a purple embellished salwar suit, while Chopra chose a red saree. Nick Jonas looked dapper in a cream kurta -pyjama. Siddharth Chopra wore a cream-coloured kurta pyjama set, which he paired with a pale pink embellished jacket.
Siddharth Chopra was formerly engaged to Ishita Kumar. They got engaged in 2018 but called it off later. Upadhyaya, a model and actor, has starred in nine Telegu and Tamil films over the last nine years. She was last seen in the 2018 Telugu film Tamasha.
Chopra will soon be seen in Heads of State, alongside John Cena and Idris Elba. She also lent her voice to Disneynature’s yet-to-be-released film, Tiger. Currently, Chopra is helming Citadel, a series, that also stars Richard Madden.