In a world of Peppa Pig, Ben and Holly and Nastya, reading has become a rarity among tiny tots. but, when they do show an inkling towards the written word, here are a few books that educate and inspire them.
Ikru’s First Day of School by Sunaina Coelho: This book takes you on a visual experience of what’s to be expected on the first day of school. The board book which is mostly illustrations, captures the essence of real-life experiences. Great for the tot, who is about to begin school. Reading age: 3-7
Kalamata’s Kitchen by Sarah Thomas: This is the tale of Kalamata and her magical kitchen table, which with the help of her special friend Al Dente, can be transported anywhere. It transports her to a fascinating world of ingredients, that teach her food can comfort us. Reading age: 4-8
Ammu’s Bottle Boat by Niveditha Subramaniam: This story follows that of Ammu, who sets out her plastic boat onto the sea. Where might the boat end up? Inside a whale’s belly, will it meet interesting sea creatures? Reading age: 3-7
Indian Women Who Broke The Rules by Neha J Hiranandani: Entrepreneurs, scholars, scientists– this book is an anthology of inspiring stories of 50 Indian women, who were change makers. Reading age: 8-12
Asha and the Spirit Bird by Jasbinder Bilan: Asha, who lives at the foothills of the Himalayas, misses her father, who works in the city. One day, her father stops sending wages and the landlord ransacks Asha’s home. How will Asha overcome this time of adversity? Reading age: 8-12
The Girl Who Was a Forest by Lavanya Karthik: this is the story of little Janaki, who wanders into the forest. It shows her the way to a secret world away from rules. Reading age: 6-9
Jamlo Walks by Samina Mishra: It’s the pandemic, the world is under a lockdown. The book explores how the lockdown impacted young minds, through young Jamlo. Reading age: 7-9
Little Girls Are Wiser Than Men by Leo Tolstoy: Two little girls get into an argument. Soon, the whole village gets involved in it. This is a story of conflict resolution. Reading age: 6-12